Independently Owned By Robert Howkins

Carpet Cleaning In Oxfordshire
"Giving you and your family a healthier environment to live in"
As a specialist carpet & upholstery cleaning company, we take great pride in providing a service to Oxfordshire’s homes and businesses that is of the highest standard, achieving results that are unbeatable every time.
Surroundings Carpet & Upholstery not only cleans Oxfordshire’s carpets & upholstery, we also clean and restore hard flooring and offer fabric protection to soft furnishings, making sure your home is kept looking its very best.
Cleaning the carpets and upholstery in Oxford’s homes is our passion. Our only aim is to provide a cleaning service that delivers fantastic results and a customer who is extremely happy, wanting to use our services time and time again.
Rob Howkins
Owner & Operator of Surroundings Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Oxford
So, How Do We Clean Your Carpets?...Its All In The Process
1) Pre Inspection - The pre inspection is vital to the outcome of the cleaning results. Upon inspection we look for any possible pre damaged areas, establish cause of stains and identify the construction and fibre of your carpet.
2) Dry Vacuum -The vacuuming process ensures all loose soil on and in between the carpet fibres are removed. Our vacuum cleaners are incredibly powerful and are built for the professional carpet cleaner.
3) Spotting Treatment - In this stage of the carpet clean we pre-treat stains individually. Once a stain cause is identified we can treat it with the correct chemical. Even if the stain cause is unknown we perform tests to establish the best suited chemical to remove it.
4) Pre Spray - Having identified the fibre and level of soiling from the pre inspection we are then able to choose a suitable cleaning agent. There are dozens to choose from, however the pre inspection really helps narrow down the choice, selecting the most effective and suitable pre spray.
5) Agitation - Agitation involves working the chemical into the carpet pile, dislodging soil, and helping the chemical break down soluble soils.
6) Hot Water Extraction - The best part! Using our triple vacuum hot water extraction machine we are able to blast steam deeply into the carpet fibres and extract the dirty water with amazing results! Surroundings have invested in the world's best carpet cleaning equipment making results that are unrivaled here in Oxford.
7) Grooming - The grooming process leaves your carpet fibres lying in a particular direction which will decrease drying time.
8) Post Inspection - The last step to our cleaning process is the post-clean inspection. This involves a visual check to all of the cleaned carpet. During this stage we replace all moved furniture to its original position. All of these steps are paramount and this process is what makes us Oxford's favourite carpet cleaners! Click Here To Look At Our Videos